2019 Results
2019 Results

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 13, 2019 Point Reyes 117k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
1421 Terrell Anderson 06:05
7319 Megan Arnold 06:31
7277 Greg Beato 05:27
4269 Keith Beato 06:28
Willow Brugh 06:53
Jarvis Burston 06:55
9532 Jorge Carpio 06:20
10340 Michael Chalfant 06:31
6052 Bryan Clarkson 05:59
11639 Braxton Colagross 06:05
8935 Dzung Dang 06:20
4841 Carlos Duque 05:17
5216 Ken Emerson 06:17
7601 Carlin Eng 05:58
13037 Eric Fethe 06:28
Elias French 05:34
12806 John French 06:04
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 06:19
9315 Eric Gordon 05:43
5831 Stephen Haas 05:59
3356 Tom Haggerty 05:59
2515 Rob Hawks 06:31
Natha Hayre 06:55
9274 Craig Hicks 05:29
Dartanian Kaufman 07:02
11569 Reed Kennedy 06:53
6017 Ian Kizu-blair 06:46
8074 Ann Klein 06:39
11685 Brian Koss 06:12
7247 Eric Larsen 06:12
12823 Marina Lee 06:23
12922 Eric Linser 05:21
12907 Sean Longwood 07:02
Camilla Mahon 07:07
9229 Eric Marshall 05:07
12815 Charles Martin 05:09
12975 David Mccutcheon 05:26
12822 Roberto Medeiros 06:23
12433 Sergio Miranda 06:12
12793 Mirko Montanari 05:18
Elliott Morris 06:21
12376 Linh Nguyen 06:46
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 05:09
13052 Dennis Peterson 06:42
5343 Vidas Placiakis 06:12
12335 Rolando Quibol 06:13
8978 Roy Ross 06:12
7622 Robert Sexton 05:57
7585 Randy Shen 06:42
11425 Jinuk Shin 05:32
4997 Richard Soderberg 05:39
12458 Phillip Swenson 05:48
12293 Daniel Swick 06:19
7220 Toshi Takeuchi 06:42
10237 Man-fai Tam 06:57
10751 Michael Theriault 06:31
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 05:03
10858 Carlos Villarreal 06:16
8160 Eric Walstad 06:31
12481 Matthew Ward 05:34
Jonathan Weaver 05:40
12352 Jerad Weiner 06:19

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 26, 2019 Dillon Beach 200km Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12156 Nicholas Abler 11:18
5785 Mark Abrahams 09:08
6151 Carl Andersen 07:10
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 09:28
12858 Scott Armitage 10:28
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:07
8791 Jim Baker 09:23
4269 Keith Beato 12:01
7647 Cheryl Becker 07:10
10133 Luis Bernhardt 08:47
4006 Jacques Boutet 09:23
345 Jim Bradbury 09:28
10724 Alex Brey 12:23
3331 Bill Brier 07:58
9745 Scott Brown 11:02
13000 Michael Bryce 11:09
9532 Jorge Carpio 10:40
10771 Robert Cauthorn 10:53
13107 Stephen Chan 07:59
11775 David Clark iv 10:14
6052 Bryan Clarkson 12:01
9935 Joe Clucas 08:47
12765 Peter Colijn 08:21
8935 Dzung Dang 10:06
11675 Sourav Das 09:26
11666 Stephen Demjanenko 07:59
10151 Aaron Dropp 10:34
13041 Thomas Dunscombe 09:41
12983 Nick Elmschig 09:09
5216 Ken Emerson 09:23
7601 Carlin Eng 10:14
12850 Julien Erard 11:52
12477 Maxim Fedorov 07:10
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:09
12806 John French 09:31
6401 Bruce Fritz 08:56
8408 Vlad Georgevich 09:38
9295 Ben Goldenberg 10:13
11551 Gary Goldman 10:35
9315 Eric Gordon 09:54
6871 Mike Gray 08:18
Paolo nicola Greco 07:48
13108 Kevin Gregory 10:35
5831 Stephen Haas 12:01
3356 Tom Haggerty 12:01
11835 Craig Hill 10:14
11836 Yi-hui Hill 10:14
Byron Ho 09:02
1625 John Holmgren 09:25
13099 Eric House 08:56
3970 Mike Hrast 09:09
6840 Bert Huffman 10:53
12241 Tom Hughes 11:02
12230 Abrar Kazi 12:45
11569 Reed Kennedy 10:33
6017 Ian Kizu-blair 10:14
8074 Ann Klein 11:02
11685 Brian Koss 07:43
12673 Steve Krause 09:48
9932 Jonas Laucys 09:15
10725 Erin Lindholm 12:23
12922 Eric Linser 08:46
9229 Eric Marshall 08:40
12815 Charles Martin 07:58
2133 Richard Mccaw 09:19
6103 Kaley Mccumber 09:37
12794 Nicholas Mccurry 10:18
12279 Maer Melo 08:47
5120 Greg Merritt 08:47
12793 Mirko Montanari 08:35
6065 Ernesto Montenero 08:51
1975 Pierre Moreels 11:02
12410 Haley Mousseau 10:21
12290 Christopher Ngo 09:23
12376 Linh Nguyen 11:48
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 07:43
9452 Erik Nohlin 07:10
2917 Greg Olson 10:25
12238 Nathan Orr 10:28
7103 Irving Pham 10:14
12483 Jon Plax 09:45
8978 Roy Ross 07:59
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 08:07
2777 Kevin Salyer 09:25
Luke Scholefield 08:42
13113 Debra Sellers 11:30
7622 Robert Sexton 10:26
13105 James Sherman 10:39
11425 Jinuk Shin 09:23
13046 Tim Sippel 11:52
4997 Richard Soderberg 10:39
7739 Stephen Stalcup 10:53
12852 Wayne Stilwell 10:39
12458 Phillip Swenson 09:25
6553 Brian Terczynski 11:52
10751 Michael Theriault 09:25
9533 Andrew Thurber 12:35
10807 James Thurber 12:35
13106 Todd Trowbridge 08:59
7383 Metin Uz 07:52
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 07:48
11230 David Wilcox 07:58
13089 Jeff Williams 09:41

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

February 9, 2019 Two Rock-Valley Ford 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 08:28
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 09:28
12858 Scott Armitage 10:55
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:59
345 Jim Bradbury 11:02
13085 Danielle Bricker 11:26
10340 Michael Chalfant 09:17
12087 Kevin Comerford 08:59
9025 Peter Curley 10:59
11675 Sourav Das 09:33
13041 Thomas Dunscombe 09:54
5216 Ken Emerson 11:16
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:28
11797 Sergio Galicia 10:22
9295 Ben Goldenberg 12:48
11835 Craig Hill 08:36
1425 Ray Holzworth 12:34
8831 Paul Ivanov 11:00
12497 Ray Keane 10:18
11569 Reed Kennedy 10:50
10497 Gaetan Kenway 11:38
12048 Sandra King 11:26
13122 Greg Langer 09:36
7247 Eric Larsen 10:24
12922 Eric Linser 09:19
12907 Sean Longwood 11:31
12815 Charles Martin 08:39
2133 Richard Mccaw 09:19
12964 Andrew Mcculloh 12:36
6103 Kaley Mccumber 11:20
12794 Nicholas Mccurry 10:39
12975 David Mccutcheon 09:39
5120 Greg Merritt 10:22
11638 John Nolan 11:31
7102 Brian Oei 12:48
12238 Nathan Orr 10:55
10446 Gary Parsons 10:50
7103 Irving Pham 12:48
12335 Rolando Quibol 11:58
6789 Nancy Russell 10:46
4997 Richard Soderberg 09:46
11794 Alberto Spishakoff 12:40
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:29
10751 Michael Theriault 10:54
13045 Alex Thompson 09:43
11653 Todd Tracy 11:26
7383 Metin Uz 08:46
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 08:14

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 2, 2019 Mt Hamilton 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
10978 Renato Arnoco 10:35
13079 Chris Beauchamp 12:32
9239 Dan Beringhele 11:16
10133 Luis Bernhardt 12:14
3331 Bill Brier 10:11
10106 Paul Carpenter 09:40
13041 Thomas Dunscombe 12:32
6763 Mark Elgood 10:35
12806 John French 12:23
11797 Sergio Galicia 11:15
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 11:00
6380 Bryan Kilgore 11:16
11685 Brian Koss 09:40
12815 Charles Martin 10:11
7706 Milosz Meller 11:15
10396 Matt Pendleton 09:39
5464 Jason Pierce 11:16
5343 Vidas Placiakis 12:14
8978 Roy Ross 10:11
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 09:41
4997 Richard Soderberg 12:31
7383 Metin Uz 09:39

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 9, 2019 Pierce Point 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
13041 Thomas Dunscombe 10:05
12361 Garry Knox 09:52
12922 Eric Linser 10:05
12861 Daniel Magnusson 11:20
13052 Dennis Peterson 10:57
1907 Ken Shoemaker 10:36
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 10:44

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 9, 2019 Healdsburg-Russian River 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
10978 Renato Arnoco 15:00
13079 Chris Beauchamp 16:45
7647 Cheryl Becker 15:20
9239 Dan Beringhele 14:52
9364 Gilles Bouchard 13:18
4006 Jacques Boutet 15:49
345 Jim Bradbury 17:50
3331 Bill Brier 13:06
10456 Jeff Cannon 17:50
4357 Kley Cardona 18:31
10771 Robert Cauthorn 17:27
10340 Michael Chalfant 15:09
13134 Samuel Chrisman 13:50
6052 Bryan Clarkson 17:54
9935 Joe Clucas 14:52
9025 Peter Curley 15:22
11675 Sourav Das 15:29
6237 Esteban Del rio 18:58
12249 Arnel Dionisio 18:17
5216 Ken Emerson 15:49
7601 Carlin Eng 15:09
9205 Brian Feinberg 17:52
11626 Tara Flanagan 17:05
12806 John French 18:31
11797 Sergio Galicia 15:20
6987 Raphael Gernez 13:24
9295 Ben Goldenberg 18:31
5831 Stephen Haas 17:54
3356 Tom Haggerty 17:54
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 14:42
2515 Rob Hawks 15:20
11835 Craig Hill 17:52
11836 Yi-hui Hill 18:31
1625 John Holmgren 16:45
1425 Ray Holzworth 19:20
12955 Sheng Huang 15:00
8831 Paul Ivanov 19:20
12497 Ray Keane 16:20
6380 Bryan Kilgore 13:06
6017 Ian Kizu-blair 15:09
11685 Brian Koss 15:20
7312 Nathan Lee 18:31
9229 Eric Marshall 18:31
12815 Charles Martin 15:20
6103 Kaley Mccumber 17:10
12794 Nicholas Mccurry 16:20
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 13:48
8283 Jenny Oh 18:31
13141 Keisuke Otsuka 17:10
10396 Matt Pendleton 13:06
7103 Irving Pham 18:31
5343 Vidas Placiakis 15:20
12335 Rolando Quibol 18:15
8978 Roy Ross 15:22
7622 Robert Sexton 15:04
11425 Jinuk Shin 18:31
4997 Richard Soderberg 15:55
13045 Alex Thompson 16:26
7383 Metin Uz 14:48
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 13:50
11230 David Wilcox 13:48

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 23, 2019 Women's 100km Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 07:12
7319 Megan Arnold 06:40
4405 Debra Banks 06:40
Nikki Beaman 07:16
Susan Bergmann 07:16
Cynthia Berhtram 05:44
Jolene Bertetto 07:12
13085 Danielle Bricker 06:02
Nancy Buenaventura 06:25
Alexandra Esker 07:16
6501 Kimber Guzik 06:40
2515 Rob Hawks 05:21
Marisa Kendall 07:16
12823 Marina Lee 07:16
7596 Eileen Lloyd 07:16
9842 Frankie Mansfield 05:43
6034 Barbara Mcquinn 07:16
12410 Haley Mousseau 05:40
8872 Angela Navarro 05:44
8283 Jenny Oh 06:24
12891 Ekaterina Rakhmatulina 07:12
Noelani Reinker 07:16
9165 Karen Rhodes 07:12
13113 Debra Sellers 04:31
Monica Semergiu 07:16
12702 Alix Sorrell 05:43
6715 Michael Svihura 05:21
Abigail Tinker 06:53
10424 Bridgette Travis 05:41
7264 Christina Waitzman 07:16
8160 Eric Walstad 05:21

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

April 13, 2019 Hopland 400k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12408 Vill Anabeza 18:38
6151 Carl Andersen 15:41
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 21:05
5844 Philip Auriemma 19:50
4269 Keith Beato 23:45
8063 Jon Beckham 20:52
887 Mark Behning 23:26
9364 Gilles Bouchard 15:59
4006 Jacques Boutet 18:38
10724 Alex Brey 21:32
12442 Dylan Buffington 15:41
2468 Robert Buntrock 19:45
Chris Burkard 15:41
9532 Jorge Carpio 23:46
10340 Michael Chalfant 19:45
12765 Peter Colijn 15:59
12087 Kevin Comerford 20:08
9505 Scott Cowan 23:58
Alonso Cruz 16:04
9025 Peter Curley 18:33
13041 Thomas Dunscombe 18:47
2446 Brock Durham 22:54
7601 Carlin Eng 21:18
12806 John French 23:23
9295 Ben Goldenberg 22:13
2515 Rob Hawks 20:39
11835 Craig Hill 17:50
8831 Paul Ivanov 23:58
11569 Reed Kennedy 23:12
6380 Bryan Kilgore 15:59
6017 Ian Kizu-blair 21:18
901 Laurence Kluck 18:38
12361 Garry Knox 17:50
9416 Tracy Lane 21:24
12815 Charles Martin 18:33
1843 Tim Mason 21:20
7706 Milosz Meller 20:39
5120 Greg Merritt 18:33
Luke Moloney 23:12
11131 Anson Moore 18:33
1899 Peter Morrissey 19:45
12290 Christopher Ngo 21:24
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 16:37
9452 Erik Nohlin 15:41
3971 Eric Norris 22:27
11109 Dan Pannell 18:33
10446 Gary Parsons 23:26
13244 Tony Perrie 15:59
7103 Irving Pham 22:13
Stephen Quay 15:41
8978 Roy Ross 18:33
12969 Sherilyn Rudney 23:12
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 18:38
8592 Jerry Seager 21:18
7622 Robert Sexton 21:05
11425 Jinuk Shin 23:23
Brian Szykowny 15:41
11946 Francis Tanjuatco 23:46
10751 Michael Theriault 20:54
13045 Alex Thompson 21:18
11653 Todd Tracy 22:45
7383 Metin Uz 18:33

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

April 14, 2019 Laguna Lake 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
345 Jim Bradbury 10:23
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 09:52
12466 Davi Augusto Caetano de Jesus 10:36
Carolyn Ching 12:57
11775 David Clark IV 12:19
11903 Brian Coyne 08:32
Carl Henrik Ek 09:02
13037 Eric Fethe 10:52
11551 Gary Goldman 10:35
13108 Kevin Gregory 10:15
8930 Patrick Herlihy 09:49
12913 Jay Ho 10:16
12241 Tom Hughes 10:20
12673 Steve Krause 11:05
9932 Jonas Laucys 09:47
12922 Eric Linser 09:12
12975 David McCutcheon 09:49
6617 Peg Miller 10:09
6009 William Monsen 11:50
12410 Haley Mousseau 09:59
5343 Vidas Placiakis 09:47
13206 John Quinn 10:09
5784 Charles Schroyer 10:09
8592 Jerry Seager 12:57
4997 Richard Soderberg 08:41
6715 Michael Svihura 09:49
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:50
12293 Daniel Swick 10:36
227 Todd Teachout 10:37
10858 Carlos Villarreal 10:34
11152 Brian Volkoff 07:53
6130 David Walker 10:10
6435 Brad Wenner 11:19
7268 James Wilson 10:32

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

May 11, 2019 Mendocino Coast 600K (Former Fort Bragg 600K) Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
9057 Sheherezade Adams 34:32
6151 Carl Andersen 26:39
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 32:00
10978 Renato Arnoco 29:53
4269 Keith Beato 38:07
8063 Jon Beckham 29:36
12488 Leif Bjelland 35:05
9364 Gilles Bouchard 28:06
3331 Bill Brier 33:20
13280 Chris Burkard 22:50
13134 Samuel Chrisman 30:01
9935 Joe Clucas 37:19
12765 Peter Colijn 24:37
9025 Peter Curley 35:16
7601 Carlin Eng 37:19
428 Kim Freitas 35:46
12806 John French 37:03
8408 Vlad Georgevich 38:42
6987 Raphael Gernez 27:34
9295 Ben Goldenberg 39:12
3356 Tom Haggerty 38:07
2515 Rob Hawks 29:46
11835 Craig Hill 27:28
12497 Ray Keane 35:30
6380 Bryan Kilgore 26:39
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 39:12
8413 Bob Lockwood 37:50
12861 Daniel Magnusson 36:06
12794 Nicholas McCurry 38:04
7706 Milosz Meller 35:11
11094 Travis Mitchell 39:57
12793 Mirko Montanari 33:23
7056 Eric Nichols 34:04
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 26:39
9452 Erik Nohlin 22:50
7103 Irving Pham 39:12
12335 Rolando Quibol 39:45
13272 Remi Ray 26:39
8978 Roy Ross 33:26
8592 Jerry Seager 37:03
1907 Ken Shoemaker 36:36
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 35:05
10751 Michael Theriault 36:45
13045 Alex Thompson 31:14
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 30:01
11230 David Wilcox 26:39

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

May 12, 2019 Dillon Beach 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12858 Scott Armitage 10:10
13037 Eric Fethe 11:04
Matt Fleck 09:33
11551 Gary Goldman 09:57
10497 Gaetan Kenway 09:35
Jackson Lester 09:33
12922 Eric Linser 08:23
11831 Matthew McHugh 07:20
5120 Greg Merritt 08:51
Brendan Morin 09:33
12767 Vicente Reig Rincon De Arellano 08:51
12910 Benjamin Rush 07:22
4997 Richard Soderberg 08:28
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:28
227 Todd Teachout 10:34
Robert Ussery 08:51
9906 Edward Wesley 10:10

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 6, 2019 La Ruta Loca Randonnee 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12425 Mike Atkins 13:15
8254 Naoki Iwakami 13:28
9021 Yu Kuwabara 13:20
12188 Sean Lerner 13:16
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 10:45
11001 Albert Reinhardt 13:20
8978 Roy Ross 13:20
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 13:20
8160 Eric Walstad 12:40

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 22, 2019 SF to Davis Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 15:14
345 James Bradbury 16:00
1146 John D'Elia 14:30
11626 Tara Flanagan 16:33
12806 John French 16:23
11797 Sergio Galicia 14:51
12470 Gregory Goebel 17:23
3512 Noel S. Howes 17:13
10497 Gaetan Kenway 15:53
12922 Eric Linser 13:46
12861 Daniel Magnussen 16:00
12815 Charlie Martin 13:46
1843 Tim Mason 15:14
5120 Greg Merritt 13:25
6009 William Monsen 17:34
11131 Anson Moore 14:39
12238 Nathan Orr 15:53
6789 Nancy Russell 17:34
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 15:54
11425 JinUk Shin 16:00

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 29, 2019 Fault Line 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12858 Scott Armitage 12:29
13085 Danielle Bricker 11:13
10340 Michael Chalfant 10:00
11775 David Clark IV 11:24
12249 Arnel Dionisio 12:53
12250 Edwina Dionisio 12:53
12983 Nick Elmschig 12:41
5216 Ken Emerson 11:13
9205 Brian Feinberg 11:24
8408 Vlad Georgevich 11:27
11551 Gary Goldman 11:44
13108 Kevin Gregory 11:45
9538 Tom Guevara 10:57
12241 Tom Hughes 11:24
9081 Jeremiah Johnson 08:32
12673 Steve Krause 10:53
5480 Boris Levitsky 10:33
Kyle Marston 10:48
12815 Charles Martin 10:08
12794 Nicholas McCurry 10:54
10902 Fabrice Medio 11:34
11131 Anson Moore 10:08
10494 Sandra Myers 10:55
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 08:32
10446 Gary Parsons 11:29
12970 Kelley Prebil 11:13
8978 Roy Ross 10:08
13064 Robin Rothrock 11:24
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 09:52
11425 JinUk Shin 10:28
4997 Richard Soderberg 09:50
12458 Phillip Swenson 11:11
10237 Man-Fai Tam 12:55
6795 Mark Tauber 10:55
9256 Andrew Tautges 11:24
6553 Brian Terczynski 12:43
Jacob Thiede 12:01
11653 Todd Tracy 11:00
9906 Edward Wesley 11:46

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 6, 2019 Orr Springs 600k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 39:38
11675 Sourav Das 39:36
11109 Dan Pannell 37:10
12891 Ekaterina Rakhmatulina 37:14
8978 Roy Ross 39:38

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 13, 2019 SF to Cloverdale 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
4269 Keith Beato 11:40
345 Jim Bradbury 09:43
12249 Arnel Dionisio 11:38
12250 Edwina Dionisio 11:38
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:15
12806 John French 09:48
3970 Mike Hrast 09:14
11569 Reed Kennedy 11:48
10497 Gaetan Kenway 10:45
8413 Bob Lockwood 10:00
6009 William Monsen 11:15
11131 Anson Moore 10:05
10494 Sandra Myers 09:33
12376 Linh Nguyen 10:21
6789 Nancy Russell 10:04
6051 Michele Santilhano 12:49
7622 Robert Sexton 10:10
10237 Man-Fai Tam 10:24
10751 Michael Theriault 09:05
13314 Shaelynn Walker 12:43

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 14, 2019 Boonville Lolipop 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
11626 Tara Flanagan 18:29
11835 Craig Hill 14:00
12361 Garry Knox 13:55
12922 Eric Linser 13:56
12815 Charles Martin 13:55
6103 Kaley Mccumber 17:50
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 16:38
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 17:18
6715 Michael Svihura 13:55
11946 Francis Tanjuatco 19:15
6795 Mark Tauber 16:47
11653 Todd Tracy 17:31

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 14, 2019 Eastside Story 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
696 Elaine Astrue 10:54
345 Jim Bradbury 10:53
12249 Arnel Dionisio 12:15
12250 Edwina Dionisio 12:15
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:51
11626 Tara Flanagan 12:22
12806 John French 10:15
8408 Vlad Georgevich 11:06
11835 Craig Hill 09:30
11836 YI-HUI HILL 09:30
3970 Mike Hrast 08:57
10497 Gaetan Kenway 10:17
12361 Garry Knox 08:55
12922 Eric Linser 08:55
7596 Eileen Lloyd 12:34
8413 Bob Lockwood 11:21
12815 Charles Martin 08:55
6009 William Monsen 12:34
11131 Anson Moore 08:55
10494 Sandra Myers 09:50
12376 Linh Nguyen 11:35
6789 Nancy Russell 10:30
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 11:35
7622 Robert Sexton 10:51
11425 JinUk Shin 09:04
10237 Man-Fai Tam 11:38
6795 Mark Tauber 10:17
11653 Todd Tracy 11:30

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 27, 2019 King Ridge 400k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
3331 Bill Brier 22:32
8978 Roy Ross 22:32

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 4, 2019 El Paseito Mixto 102k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
9057 Sheherezade Adams 06:20
7319 Megan Arnold 06:10
Ryan Baumann 06:10
7647 Cheryl Becker 04:59
9239 dan beringhele 05:38
12409 Joshua Blank 05:30
Jessica Chan 06:22
9935 Joe Clucas 05:37
4841 Carlos Duque 05:30
John Fitzgerald 06:25
12806 John French 06:21
Sean Hipkin 06:20
Jesse Jankowski 06:22
12555 Nolan Jankowski 06:22
11569 Reed Kennedy 06:10
12673 Steve Krause 05:58
Kurt Manley 05:41
9229 Eric Marshall 06:00
12410 Haley Mousseau 05:57
10905 James Moyles 06:52
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 04:48
Jonathan Ota 06:22
jacquie phelan 06:52
5343 Vidas Placiakis 06:01
5067 John Potis 06:52
10904 Mark Seedall 06:50
13113 Debra Sellers 06:51
13325 David Simpson 06:52
12702 Alix Sorrell 06:00
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 06:18
11530 Steven Streisguth 06:22
11010 Steven Striepeke 06:15
7220 Toshi Takeuchi 06:10
8160 Eric Walstad 06:10

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 4, 2019 Lucas Valley 110k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7277 Greg Beato 06:26
345 Jim Bradbury 05:27
Thomas Bristow 06:36
Willow Brugh 06:57
Nancy Buenaventura 06:12
Jarvis Burston 07:00
13327 Shannon Glasheen 05:51
9295 Ben Goldenberg 06:12
6324 James Gourgoutis 06:32
Natha Hayre 06:58
12861 Daniel Magnusson 04:51
12815 Charles Martin 04:51
9375 Qasim Meskienyar 05:45
10201 Ryan Morehouse 04:29
11115 Colin Moy 05:45
12376 Linh Nguyen 05:38
7103 Irving Pham 06:12
Tim Philip 05:59
Zoe Philip 05:59
12335 rolando quibol 05:24
7622 Robert Sexton 04:29
7739 Stephen Stalcup 05:59
12458 Phillip Swenson 05:44
10237 Man-Fai Tam 05:27
227 Todd Teachout 05:54
10751 Michael Theriault 04:49
13329 Jacob Thiede 05:49

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 12, 2019 Marin Mountains 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7647 Cheryl Becker 12:14
8063 Jon Beckham 13:08
9364 Gilles Bouchard 11:36
3331 Bill Brier 12:33
James Brinkhoff 10:48
13107 Stephen Chan 11:43
9081 Jeremiah Johnson 10:48
9229 Eric Marshall 11:03
11001 Albert Reinhardt 13:04
8978 Roy Ross 12:33
13344 Carsten Schwesig 13:04
13004 David Signor 13:23
Corey Walo 13:23

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 12, 2019 Old Cazadero 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
3331 Bill Brier 14:15
11797 Sergio Galicia 18:22
7588 Bill Green 18:35
8254 Naoki Iwakami 17:12
13244 Tony Perrie 14:55
8978 Roy Ross 16:43
7383 Metin Uz 17:32
6078 Stephen Zavestoski 15:04

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 19, 2019 Winters 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
5785 Mark Abrahams 09:54
6151 Carl Andersen 09:05
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 09:05
12858 Scott Armitage 10:47
10928 George Bentinck 10:21
345 Jim Bradbury 10:39
3331 Bill Brier 07:13
10340 Michael Chalfant 09:05
Eric Chodoroff 07:13
Michael Couglan 07:13
Alonso Cruz 07:13
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:42
13037 Eric Fethe 10:57
12806 John French 10:12
Patrick Gordis 07:22
13108 Kevin Gregory 10:42
2515 Rob Hawks 09:06
8930 Patrick Herlihy 09:05
12241 Tom Hughes 12:47
Spencer Ingels 07:13
8254 Naoki Iwakami 08:05
1132 Ken Johnson 10:12
Vernon Kato 07:13
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 10:17
12917 Christopher Lee 07:13
12815 Charles Martin 08:56
2133 Richard McCaw 09:36
11831 Matthew McHugh 07:13
10902 Fabrice Medio 10:03
7706 Milosz Meller 10:17
5120 Greg Merritt 08:14
Christopher Moll 07:13
11131 Anson Moore 08:14
10494 Sandra Myers 09:53
11624 Huy Nguyen 09:48
12376 Linh Nguyen 10:48
Dalmacio Pamanian 08:24
9400 Arnim Polster 09:48
8174 Giedrius Praspaliauskas 09:23
12970 Kelley Prebil 09:42
8978 Roy Ross 08:56
12910 Benjamin Rush 07:29
8399 Carl Sanders 08:14
11425 JinUk Shin 08:56
10877 Eric Stinson 10:21
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:17
10237 Man-Fai Tam 10:14
Jason Tang 07:13
6553 Brian Terczynski 11:47
7383 Metin Uz 09:06

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

November 2, 2019 Del Puerto Canyon 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Kevin Ahlvin 08:45
6151 Carl Andersen 07:50
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 07:50
13362 Oz Angst 10:04
12858 Scott Armitage 09:39
12425 Mike Atkins 08:39
Amit Banerjee 09:58
13079 Chris Beauchamp 09:15
10133 Luis Bernhardt 08:36
Gary Binstock 09:44
Willow Brugh 11:52
7454 David Brunswick 08:58
Steve Cannon 10:17
13107 Stephen Chan 08:21
Eric Chodoroff 07:03
11903 Brian Coyne 08:05
11675 Sourav Das 08:45
11666 Stephen Demjanenko 07:24
6763 Mark Elgood 08:58
5216 Ken Emerson 09:29
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:29
13037 Eric Fethe 10:42
12806 John French 09:29
Robert Gade 07:03
9295 Ben Goldenberg 11:48
11551 Gary Goldman 10:10
Patrick Gordis 07:03
Blake Harper 07:03
2515 Rob Hawks 08:45
Peter Heller 09:58
13057 Eduardo Heredia 11:43
Spencer Ingels 07:03
13416 Davis Ja 11:13
Caitlin Jans 10:04
12930 Andrew Judd 07:39
Vernon Kato 07:03
12230 Abrar Kazi 09:58
11569 Reed Kennedy 11:52
10497 Gaetan Kenway 08:45
6380 Bryan Kilgore 07:41
Jack Klebanoff 09:45
13418 Patrick Kitto 07:39
12912 Michael Koved 07:03
12673 Steve Krause 10:17
11844 Bumha Lee 08:55
7312 Nathan Lee 11:48
5480 Boris Levitsky 08:21
Reed Levitt 07:03
9222 Bryan Lewis 07:35
12922 Eric Linser 08:36
12221 John Lutz 09:34
12861 Daniel Magnusson 08:17
Kurt Manley 10:22
6755 Jesse Marsh 11:48
9229 Eric Marshall 07:41
12815 Charles Martin 07:39
2133 Richard McCaw 08:38
6103 Kaley Mccumber 10:22
Ed McGreevy 07:03
11831 Matthew McHugh 07:03
7706 milosz meller 08:45
5120 Greg Merritt 07:53
Christopher Moll 07:03
6009 William Monsen 09:42
6065 Ernesto Montenero 11:43
11131 Anson Moore 07:24
10201 Ryan Morehouse 07:39
1899 Peter Morrissey 07:24
10494 Sandra Myers 08:45
12377 Lehang T Nguyen 12:55
12376 Linh Nguyen 12:55
12238 Nathan Orr 09:39
13141 Keisuke Otsuka 10:22
Taylor Peliska 07:03
7103 Irving Pham 11:48
5464 Jason Pierce 07:41
12970 Kelley Prebil 09:29
8978 Roy Ross 07:35
8399 Carl Sanders 07:24
Johannes Santen 07:53
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 08:45
13414 David Sasaki 07:20
13344 Carsten Schwesig 09:20
7622 Robert Sexton 10:04
13417 Deborah Sherwood 11:13
11425 JinUk Shin 08:36
539 Larry Sokolsky 09:29
10237 Man-Fai Tam 09:58
Jason Tang 07:03
Ringo Tang 07:20
6795 Mark Tauber 09:15
6553 Brian Terczynski 11:18
10751 Michael Theriault 08:45
13329 Jacob Thiede 09:58
7383 Metin Uz 07:24
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 07:24
Teodora Vidolova 08:00
11152 Brian Volkoff 07:35
13396 Corey Walo 08:50
13398 Andrew Williams 08:45
13089 Jeff Williams 09:15
6373 Charles Wilson 07:24
Eleanor Wiseman 07:03
6078 Stephen Zavestoski 8:45

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

December 7, 2019 Uvas Gold 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
13362 Oz Angst 12:05
10133 Luis Bernhardt 10:42
13444 Dalton Colen 09:41
6763 Mark Elgood 11:21
13452 Yuri Gonzaga 08:58
3356 Tom Haggerty 12:35
8930 Patrick Herlihy 09:48
9274 Craig Hicks 11:21
13450 Marlene Hoffman 11:51
13454 Abhishek Kapatkar 11:51
10497 Gaetan Kenway 11:31
11685 Brian Koss 11:51
13462 Kyle Marston 08:57
12815 Charles Martin 10:05
5120 Greg Merritt 09:48
12238 Nathan Orr 11:31
8978 Roy Ross 10:05
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 12:35
13439 Barbara Tardiff 10:36
10751 Michael Theriault 12:02
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 09:48
6078 Stephen Zavestoski 09:07

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

December 8, 2019 Lucas Valley 110k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
13460 David Brosky 06:05
13431 Willow Brugh 07:26
13107 Stephen Chan 06:05
9205 Brian Feinberg 05:34
11626 Tara Flanagan 06:03
11569 Reed Kennedy 07:26
12922 Eric Linser 04:42
12815 Charles Martin 04:20
6103 Kaley Mccumber 06:10
10902 Fabrice Medio 05:55
11930 Glen Olson 06:36
13141 Keisuke Otsuka 06:10
10904 Mark Seedall 05:30
7622 Robert Sexton 05:14
12278 David Stentiford 05:55
13453 Noah Swartz 06:16
8160 Eric Walstad 04:43